Klype-O Studenterhytta (2011-08-31)
Típus: Competition
Térkép/terület: Gråkallen/Trondheim Bymark
Rendező: NTNUI
Ország: Norway
Versenyforma: Middle
Táv: 7.35 km
Idő: 49:23
One of the famous Klype-O trainings. The first runners (3-10) who punches a control gets a clothespin, and then have to take an extra control. Slower runners gets the opportunity to catch up when the faster ones takes the "penalty-control" (for being fast). Lots of fun and always someone to push your pace with! Tough both mentally and physically. The one with the most clothespins in the end wins. Same pin-count, faster one wins.
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Klype-O Studenterhytta (2011-08-31)